What We Offer
- BLOC Organization Advisement & Support
- Career Development
- Entrepreneurship
- Free Printing & School Supplies
- Laptop Loan Program
- LARC Tutorial Assistance
- Lending Library Reservations
- Professional Development
- Research Development
- Room Reservation
- Scholarships
- Academic Advising
- Campus Resource Liaison
- Community Outreach, Support, and Safety
- Emergency Meal Support
- Financial Aid Assistance
- Health, Wellness & Vitality Programs
- Housing Assistance
- Interpersonal & Community Development
- Psychological Support Services
Black Student Resource Guide

Check this out!
The Academic Excellence Black Scholars House is a first-year experience living-learning community that explores the interconnectedness of scholarship and personal identity across the Black diaspora within the context of the University. Students residing in the Academic Excellence Black Scholars House will learn to successfully navigate the university environment while embracing scholastic achievement and individual identity. A dedicated Academic Excellence Black Scholars House Programmer will foster community through engaging academic, social, political, and wellness programming. By exemplifying leadership through service and building a strong community, these students will develop the foundation for academic success throughout their college careers. All residents of this house are required to enroll in Thrive @ UCI, a course that supports student success within the University setting.
The Things to Consider Podcast was created in 2019. It had three seasons and was produced by the then Womxn’s Hub professional staff. Topics focused on issues that the UCI community should consider. These included: Life Behind the Hijab, Anti-Blackness During Covid-19, and Holistic Healing with UCI CARE.
Please listen to the Protecting Black Womxn ft. Niobe Duke, Program Coordinator for the CBCRR, and Adaeze Oduma, alumni and past Ambassador for LGBT Affairs for the CBCRR.
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) News & Updates
As we return to campus, respiratory infections including COVID-19, flu, and RSV continue to circulate in the community at high levels. As a reminder:
- Employees are encouraged to stay home when ill to help reduce the spread of infections.
- Employees, including student employees, are strongly encouraged to report cases of COVID-19 to Contact Tracing and Vaccine Navigation Services (CTVNS) at contacttracing@uci.edu or by calling 949-824-2300. CTVNS will follow-up with a case investigation and employee close contact notifications.
- On January 9, 2024, the California Department of Public Health updated COVID-19 isolation guidance. COVID-19 isolation recommendations move away from five days of isolation and instead focus on clinical symptoms to determine when to end isolation. CTVNS will be applying these changes to the isolation instructions and return to work criteria used when employees report their COVID-19 cases.
- COVID-19 antigen tests continue to be available free of charge to employees at various locations on campus.
- Masks and N-95 respirators continue to be available free of charge to employees at various locations on campus.
Effective January 1, 2024, consistent with updates to state requirements governing exposure notifications in the workplace, UCI has ended daily COVID-19 campus exposure location postings on the UCI Working Well web page. UCI will continue to notify employee close contacts identified during employee case investigations.
It is not too late to receive the most current COVID-19 vaccination and current seasonal flu vaccination as well as the current RSV vaccine if you are age 60 or older. Vaccines are available from your healthcare provider as well as local pharmacies and clinics.
Thank you for taking steps to keep yourself and UCI healthy and working well.

Ramona Agrela
Vice Chancellor & Chief Human Resources Officer
UCOP COVID-19 Vaccine Policy
As you saw in my May 18 message, UCOP has amended its COVID-19 Vaccine Policy:
- The University will require students and employees to either receive or affirmatively decline a COVID-19 vaccination each year.
- Students and employees will no longer be required to submit documentation of receiving a COVID-19 primary vaccine series. This also means that there will be no reason for students and employees to submit and receive an approved medical or religious exception or a disability deferral to be on campus.
- Watch for campus communications later this year on how to attest or decline the COVID-19 vaccine.
- While UCI will only assess COVID-19 vaccine policy compliance on an annual basis, we recommend all in the UCI community stay up to date with most current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendations.
UCI Forward
On June 30, 2023, UCI’s COVID-19 information hub, UCI Forward, will sunset. All employee-related information will migrate to the Human Resources Working Well webpage and student-related information will migrate to the Student Health Center webpage. UCI Digest issues will be archived on the Strategic Communications website.
I am grateful for all your efforts over the past three-plus years in navigating the ever-changing public health environment. Congratulations on concluding another successful academic year and I wish you all an enjoyable summer.
David M. Souleles, MPH ’87
Director, MPH Program and Practice
Director, Campus Public Health Response Team